Nothing Is As It Seems


Lessons Of My Shadow

Victoria Ruiz


Photo by Nadine Shaabana on Unsplash

Dear Past Self,

I am writing to you today to express my love, appreciation, and gratitude for helping me overcome the hardest period of my life. It was during my time of reflection that allowed me to see and accept my life for what it is. I now understand what role you played as my saving grace. Had it not been for your strength, love, and protection I received when you stepped in I would not be where I am today. Thank you for showing me how to stand up for myself, for giving me the courage to speak up when others were taking advantage of my kindness, and thank you for allowing me to see that although that part of me is able to come out when it is necessary, I realized why its the part of me that had to be released because that’s not who I really am. In knowing that, I was able to say goodbye to the shadow aspect of myself and step into the light. The light that shines as bright as the sun every morning brings light to the world. Hope, Faith, and the Greatest of all LOVE. That’s the real authentic me. So again I love you and thank you for all you have taught me I will never forget you.

Love Always,

Victoria Marie



Victoria Ruiz

Hi my name is Victoria I am 39 happily married and have 5 children 1 girl and 4 boys and a grandma of 2 girls and one handsome boy. Welcome to my page.