Victoria Ruiz
5 min readFeb 24, 2022



So I know to some, and for most of ya’ll what I am about to say will not make sense, being how it really don’t have much to do with the article, but what does make sense to me is that when I am guided to say something at random, and, off topic, it means that it is a channeled message for someone out there that will come across this article at some point, therefore, I find a way to add it in. That being said, I find it so amazing how god has a perfect plan for us. He knows eaxactly how to maneuver situations to get us to where we need to be or where he needs us to be, should I say, and we don’t really realize it until we find ourselves in the moment, and that’s when we look up and say “God I know that was all you.” Allow me to introduce myself, My name is Victoria, and I am a Medium, which means I am able to channel with those that have crossed over including the divine beings of light. I also work with Tarot and oracle cards to confirm the message that is being channeled by spirit during a reading. So in my writing today everything that is written is channeled even the beginning which is why I had to include my gift of medium ship to you.


So as I was shuffling my Tarot Deck my Spirit Guides gave me 2 cards. The first one is the 2 of pentacles, the book meaning for this card is about juggling 2 things, or having to make a decision in reguards to 2 situations at the present time, however, the message being channeled is this, everyday we will be dealt with decisions that at times can cause us stress, anxiety, and even fear. The important thing when this happens in your life is to always make the decision that keeps you in your authentic truth. If you have to change your way of being and conform into something you are not then you will be making a bad decision. We are only given one life to live but we receive the greatest gift from God which is with each day that we are blesse with gives us the opportunity to make it even better then the day before. So between the 2 situations you want to choose the path that allows you to stay true to who you are as a person authentically, the path that brings happiness, and that has you feeling excited to see what the next day will brings to you, the path that allows you to bring love and happiness to others because it feel so good you want others to feel the same way. We spend to much time making decisions based on the acceptance of others not realizing that we end up being the one frustrated, angry, and unhappy, because at the end of the day we know we allowed others to make the desicion for us, on the other had, they are living the life they want weather you like it or not. Always chose the path of love and righteousness that makes you happy no one else but you. For me at this time I am being challenged to take on both of the decisions being presented and what has me back and forth is the ability to find the finacial means to support one of the challenges and the other challenge I feel I don’t have what it takes to take it on, not wanting to accept the ripple affect that comes with the disappointment. Which brings me to the second card at hand….


Now, the suit of swords deals with our mind, the knowledge we obtain, finding clarity in times when things appear cloudy, how we think, which makes sense being that in juggling 2 things, and having to decide between 2 things causes us to use our mind. However, what mind will you use? So the Knight of Swords, in Tarot, is called a Court card, and it usually represent’s a person either around you, coming towards you, and can at times represent your energy depending on the reading, The channeled message here is PERSEVERENCE, no matter the decision at hand whether it turns out to be right or wrong always persevere and go after it with all your heart, don’t ever give others the satisfaction over your life that you failed. Each failer allows the mind to expand, to learn the mistake that way the next time the situation appears in your life, you will know exactly how to respond and what to do, but this time the right way bigger, better, and wiser that no one could have seen you doing. So go after whatever it is you truly love and what brings joy to your heart, and happiness into your life. You are the one that has to go through it no one else others will always have opinions of their own, but, that’s exactly what it is THEIR opinions not yours and you run your own life. Example, a Judge inside the court room can listen to hours of testimony and look through stacks of evidence given to him, but in the end he has the power in that court room, and he makes the final decision he feels will serve true justice, and what feels right to him, why? because he has the power in is court. Allow your life to be the court room, and your the judge of it bring into it only what adds positive energy to you not what takes it away. The Knight of Swords, for me, is to stop allowing my thoughts to stop me from doing what I love to do they want me to go after the opportunities being presented to me with courage, and confidence knowing all will be well. See it’s okay to fall, as long as we get back up before we hit the ground, and to always know things that go on in our life are things to help us discover who it is we really are at a soul level. We are not what the world is. Live your life to transform, and with each transformation ascend to higher levels until you get to the best version of yourself. Do not conform to the way of the world by settling to the same routine everyday feeling drained, and unhappy because then your external will resemble what the internal is feeling drained, and unhappy. To those that can resonate never quit or believe you are not worthy and capable of doing what you want. It is ok if you are not where others are in life, one day you will find that one thing that hits your heart and you will see who you have been this whole time. Divine timing plays out in our life’s at the time it is meant to it will never come early nor late but at the exact time, because that whatever your destiny is will be fruitful for you as long as you stay true to yourself and do everything in love. You will see doors open for you that you never saw coming. Now let me take the time to thank my spiritual team for coming through as always also known as My Divine Legacy and also my number one go to divine being God without you this would not be possible. LOVE & LIGHT!!!



Victoria Ruiz

Hi my name is Victoria I am 39 happily married and have 5 children 1 girl and 4 boys and a grandma of 2 girls and one handsome boy. Welcome to my page.